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Good Energy Collective: Recommendation

Good Energy Collective: Recommendation

Last updated in November 2023.

Good Energy Collective (Good Energy) is a policy research organization that supports advanced nuclear reactors–which are designed to be safer, cheaper, and more versatile than conventional reactors–as part of an equitable clean energy transition. Good Energy is one of the top climate nonprofits selected by Giving Green in 2023. We are excited about Good Energy because it provides a unique voice advocating for advanced nuclear power, which we believe could help increase demand for new nuclear designs nearing commercialization.

Nuclear power plants generate electricity without emitting carbon dioxide or other pollutants and provide a consistent source of electricity to the grid. We think nuclear power can play an important part in decarbonization because it provides consistent, carbon-free energy with a small land footprint. As part of a diverse energy portfolio, it can complement other energy sources, such as wind and solar. Good Energy advocates for progressive US policies that support equitable deployment and engages with local communities to ensure broad support for advanced nuclear technologies.

We believe Good Energy fills a neglected niche in increasing advanced nuclear reactor deployment and can effectively absorb additional funding. We believe its work could have global implications if it contributes to scaling advanced nuclear technologies in the US, which could give other countries the policies, technology, and/or general confidence to make nuclear energy part of their clean energy portfolio. We believe Good Energy has substantial growth potential and that, with increased funds, it could become more effective by scaling its community engagement and policy efforts.

We previously recommended Good Energy in 2022.

For more information, see our deep dive research report, a summary below, and our broader nuclear power deep dive overview.

What is Good Energy?

Good Energy is a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit that supports advanced nuclear energy as part of an equitable clean energy transition. It was founded in 2020.

How could Good Energy help address climate change?

Nuclear power could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuels and contributing to a diverse energy portfolio. Building demand for advanced nuclear reactors could mitigate financial risks for companies and expand deployment. We think increased production could feed into a virtuous cycle by decreasing costs and amplifying political support, further expanding deployment.

What does Good Energy do?

Good Energy’s primary activities are community engagement and policy advocacy. Its engagement includes convening stakeholders and speaking with elected officials. It aims to build support in potential nuclear host communities by collaborating with environmental justice organizations, community-based organizations, and other nonprofits. Good Energy’s policy advocacy includes writing memos, submitting public comments, conducting technical analyses, and educating policymakers.

What has Good Energy accomplished historically?

In 2022, Good Energy’s community engagement work included co-sponsoring the Energy Communities Alliance Forum on Hosting New Nuclear Development, which brought together diverse stakeholders such as government officials, Tribal leaders, and industry to share best practices for siting nuclear projects. Good Energy also developed and advanced its ideas by engaging with a network of nuclear stakeholders. For example, Good Energy is part of a nonprofit working group that contributed to establishing the US Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations and offered recommendations on implementation.

What’s new at Good Energy in 2023?

In 2023, Good Energy focused on repurposing retiring coal plant sites into nuclear plant sites. It will start its on-the-ground community engagement work in late 2023. Additionally, it received a $2 million (USD) grant from the US Department of Energy to work on consent-based siting of nuclear waste. Good Energy also launched a fellowship program to increase underrepresented minority participation in the nuclear sector. By the end of 2023, Good Energy plans on adding six hires, effectively doubling its staff size from last year.

What would Good Energy do with your donation?

If Good Energy raised an additional $100,000, it would use this money towards working on efforts related to university microreactors and/or geospatial mapping of communities impacted by new energy infrastructure. An extra $1 million would boost its on-the-ground community engagement and enable Good Energy to expand its programs, potentially engaging in state legislation, addressing uranium mining issues, and growing its fellows program.

Why is Giving Green excited about Good Energy?

We think Good Energy has carved a unique niche in nuclear power advocacy by focusing on the intersection of expanded deployment, community engagement, and justice. As a relatively new and small organization, donations to Good Energy could help catalyze its growth and progress.

Donate to Good Energy Collective to advance a justice- and community-centered vision of nuclear energy.

Good Energy Collective is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization in the United States. This is a non-partisan analysis (study or research) and is provided for educational purposes.

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