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Australian Policy Change: Shallow Dives

This report was last updated in December 2021. It may no longer be accurate, both with respect to the evidence it presents and our assessment of the evidence. We may revise this report in the future, depending on our research capacity and research priorities. Questions and comments are welcome.

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There are well over a hundred organisations working to accelerate climate action in Australia. The Climate Action Network Australia alone has 125 member organisations. They range from large international non-government organisations through to small-scale local charities and community groups.

The Giving Green Australia: 2021 Research Process sets out the steps we took to determine which of the organisations working to accelerate climate action in Australia stand to make the greatest impact with a marginal dollar donation.

Based on that initial assessment, we narrowed the list down to 12 organisations that were asked to complete a short survey about themselves focussed on the assessment criteria. Several organisations also participated in hour-long semi-structured interviews on their work. This report includes the ‘shallow dives’ of these 12 organisations.

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